This Site Created
2/19/03 And is best viewed at 800x600 or while loving a llama. Please ask
permission if you need to use or want to post anything on this site. - Minted
Llama (Webmaster)
llama you see to the right shows everything right about the world of llamas.
The llama is a dignified, proud creature who is strong, fluffy, and cordial
to all. The llama is an underappreciated creature, and it's about damn time
that changes.
&nbssrc="images/53_2.jpg" width="120" height="71">
you like to learn more about llamas, and perhaps gain some knowledge that you
previously did not have regarding llamas? Well you can click away and find various
areas of Team SLM that will fill you with information regarding this glorious
creature. --> Like Here